(9/2/2018) I am ashamed to say that since starting a new job in the beginning of November, I have not added a single word to my fourth book 'The Not So Secret Diary of a Store Detective'. Last year I asked members of my Facebook page if anyone would like a character named after them in my new story. I was delighted with the response and over 60 people wanted to have their name linked to one of my new characters. I drew several names using a phone app and now those 'lucky' folks will have their name in print when I finally finish and have the book published. There was a time when I hoped the story would be complete by Christmas 2017. I'll be happy if it's now finished by Christmas 2018. However, I know this is not a race and when I do get back to my writing, which I hope will be very soon. I want to get it right.
I have also added a page to this website. You will see a button on the homepage for Writers In The Wood, which is the writer's group I joined last year. Some members have kindly put up links to other's websites (this being one of them) and I wanted to reciprocate their kind actions, by doing similar for them.