(17/2/2017) Finally...finally, the first draft of my new book is complete. Three hundred and thirty pages and over 94,000 words of my story are safely stored on several memory sticks, hard drives and just as importantly in my mind. It's taken much, much longer to complete this one compared to my last two efforts.
I have now begun the process of editing and `cleaning up' and I have found it just as enjoyable as writing the original draft. It's funny that what you imagine to be a well-written and accurate account can give you so many continuity problems. Apart from one of the peripheral characters changing his name a few chapters in, marital situations changing, changes in number of children someone has and the age of another, it has been a fairly painless experience so far. I have a few chapters to complete and then I will get a second and maybe third pair of eyes to give it the once over. Then, after I complete once last read-through, it's time to contact the agents.