(25/7/2020) Over the last couple of months I've been working hard on writing a six (now seven) part situation comedy called 'Pawnbroken'....
The First Review Is In!
(28/3/2020) Today, I received my first review of my new book from Readers' Favorite; an American book review website. Here it is - 5...
It's out! The Crimson Scarf and Other Stories has been released
(12/3/2020) I am delighted to announce that my new book of short stories is now available to buy on Kindle and in hardback from Amazon....
Contract rejection
(9/3/2020) After a lot of thought, I decided to reject the publishing contract I was offered. There were several clauses written within...
Book cover
(9/3/2020) So my new book 'The Crimson Scarf and Other Stories' has a cover...
Something different...
(16/2/2020) I have just began ghostwriting an autobiography for someone I'd recently been introduced to. I've met up with this guy...
A contract offer
(16/2/2020) Last week, I was offered a publishing contract for my new book. Still making my mind up whether to sign it.
'The Crimson Scarf and Other Stories' is complete.
(12/1/2020) Last week, I sent 17 completed and proofread stories to the publishing company who had been editing the stories. Through...
More short stories
(19/6/2019) Over recent weeks I have found again my passion for writing. I have added to 'The Crimson Scarf' and my collection of short...
The Crimson Scarf
(15/4/2019) Over the last couple of weeks, I've taken a break from my novel. (all I seem to do is take breaks from it) and I've dedicated...