For a Few Dollars Less is now available
(8/8/2015) My new book, For a Few Dollars Less is now available to download from Amazon, priced £2.99. I have really enjoyed writing it...
I have a review from Chapter & Verse Reviews
(14/7/2015) I have a review on my book. It's not a glowing one, but it has some positive points. Firstly, it has confirmed to me that...
No luck with the agents
(11/7/2015) Unfortunately, after sending out emails to all the literary agents on my list some weeks ago, I have not had a positive...
I've been written about....
A nice little article about me and my book from The Pawnbroker magazine, which arrived today.
I've just started work on my new (3rd) book
Here's the synopsis of the yet untitled novel - A pub quiz team of 5 members enjoy regular events in many different establishments. They...
It starts again.
I have just started the ominous task of emailing the literary agents again. I've created a better covering letter and synopsis than last...
The new book is coming on well...
(23/5/2015) The writing is complete and the manuscript is currently being proofread by my good friend, Sue. The next step is sending the...
A work in progress....
(23/5/2015) I have just started to create this website, and I know that it might not look like much now, but I'm a newcomer to all this...
The 'Not So' Secret Diary of a Pawnbroker
(22/5/2015) Pete Dawson is a middle-aged, married man with three children and has been an East London pawnbroker for a vast majority of...